Monday 7 June 2010

Our blog has moved!

Please note that this blog has now been transferred to the new Créativité Blog here

Hope to see you over there!
Best wishes Sue Alouche

Monday 23 November 2009

Check out Zimoun, very meditational in an industrial kind of way ;)

Take a look at this Video, it's worth watching all of it....

Great advertising for International Vegetarian Union

Need I say more! Only that I fancy I nice juicy steak ;)

Friday 23 October 2009

How to stimulate creativity? Go live abroad

So that's why I moved to France!

Sunday 4 October 2009

Branding Trends for 2010 from Marketing Charts

10 Branding Trends for 2010:

Though US economists are cautiously predicting an uptick in consumer spending next year, the post-recession landscape will present brand marketers with new challenges, new engagement realities and new rules, and will increase pressure to prove how and why branded products deliver value, according to (pdf) Dr. Robert Passikoff, president of Brand Keys. Using what Passikoff calls “predictive loyalty metrics” gleaned from consumer data his firm collects, Brandkeys analyzed the likely consumer values, needs and expectations for the next 12-18 months and offered the following 10 trends:

Value is the new black: Consumer spending, even on sale items, will continue to be replaced by a reason-to-buy at all. This may spell trouble for brands with no authentic meaning, whether high-end or low.
Brands are increasingly a surrogate for value: What makes goods and services valuable will increasingly be what’s
wrapped up in the brand and what it stands for.

Brand differentiation is brand value: The unique meaning of a brand will increase in importance as generic features continue to propagate in the brand landscape. Awareness as a meaningful market force has long been obsolete, and differentiation will be critical for sales and profitability.

“Because I said so” is over: Brand values can be established as a brand identity, but they must believably exist in the mind of the consumer. A brand can’t just say it stands for something and make it so. The consumer will decide, making it more important than ever for a brand to have measures of authenticity that will aid in brand differentiation and consumer engagement.

Consumer expectations are growing:
Brands are barely keeping up with consumer expectations now. Every day consumers adopt and devour the latest technologies and innovations, and hunger for more. Smarter marketers will identify and capitalize on unmet expectations. Those brands that understand where the strongest expectations exist will be the brands that survive and prosper.

Old tricks don’t - and won’t - work anymore: Consumers are on to brands trying to play their emotions for profit. In the wake of the financial debacle of this past year, people are more aware then ever of the hollowness of bank ads that claim “we’re all in this together” when those same banks have rescinded their credit and turned their retirement plan into case studies. The same is true for insincere celebrity pairings - such as Seinfeld & Microsoft or Tiger Woods & Buick. Celebrity values and brand values instead need to be in concert.

Consumers won’t need to know a brand to love it: As the buying space becomes even more online-driven and international (and uncontrolled by brands and corporations), front-end awareness will become less important. A brand with the right street credibility can go viral in days, with awareness following - not leading - the conversation.

It’s not just buzz: Conversation and community is increasingly important, and if consumers trust the community, they will extend trust to the brand. This means not just word of mouth, but the right word of mouth within the community. This has significant implications for future of customer service.
Consumers talk with each other before talking with brands: Social networking and exchange of information outside of the brand space will increase. This - at least in theory - will mean more opportunities for brands to get involved in these spaces and meet customers where they are.

Engagement is not a fad; It’s the way today’s consumers do business: Marketers will come to accept that there are four engagement methods: The platform (TV; online), the context (program; webpage), the message (ad or communication), and the experience (store/event). At the same time, they also will realize that brand engagement will become impossible using out-dated attitudinal models.

Thanks for these

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Eco friendly advertising...

If you're looking for some interesting ideas on how to advertise your eco-friendly products of are some interesting examples...

Tuesday 25 August 2009

What do you think about Farm-washing...?

Here's an interesting article about not just the way our foods today are processed, but the way they are packaged and branded...can we still keep on branding foods like they come from the farm...or do we need to industrialise the imagery used...would anyone buy butter or goats cheese if it showed a picture of a large computerised industrial churner making the cheese?

With the results of a recent survey in the UK press showing that organic foods have no more benefits than ordinary goods...who's washing who?

What do you think? Are you working on food branding right now? What imagery are you using to portray these foods and why?
Here's the link to the feature on Brandchannel

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Participation culture, creativity, and social change

Inspiring presentation by David Gauntlett, University of get out there and make something!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Ah Ha

One of my favourite writers on creativity, Arthur Koestler, has a unique way of describing three kinds of creativity:

ARTISTIC: Ahhhhhhhh!

In The Act of Creation, Arthur Koestler lists three types of creative individual - the Artist, the Sage and the Jester - which are you?


The Artist looks for beauty, elegance of form and solution. It is probably the role closest to the common perception of creativity. For the Artist things have to fit and feel right - this role is about synthesis, poetry and intuition. When the Artist knows something is right this is the "Aahh" moment.

The Sage is the problem solver, using tools of analysis to dissect the challenge into its component parts and see how they work. This is a role for the intellect fired by flashes of inspiration - the scientist, inventor and crossword puzzle solver. When the Sage discovers something this is the "Ah ha!" moment.

The Jester is an often undervalued role, especially in business. The Jester pokes fun at things and plays with them, taking them to pieces and rearranging them in unusual ways. The Jester often produces ludicrous results - the "Ha ha" moment - but very often this is what is needed to break out of a conceptual rut. Like the court Jester of old, the creative Jester can think the unthinkable - and say it.

How creative can you be on the back of a business card?

I liked these by

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Bubble-us helps you brainstorm on-line...

Try it's easy and it might help you to be more creative!

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Objectified trailer

A new documentary film by Gary Hustwit,director of Helvetica coming to a screen near you soon!

Monday 23 February 2009

Trend Report: Green, Co-mingling Perspectives

An really interesting presentation about "green" trends and where we go next...

Sunday 22 February 2009

Understand Innovation in 5 Minutes

This presentation explains the difference between innovation and invention...and why innovation is so important. Take a look and think about it...