Sunday 8 February 2009

Business and Generosity...Generation G

I just picked up this really interesting post on a friend's blog

It's about GENERATION G (a new "recessionary" trend from

GENERATION G | "Captures the growing importance of 'generosity' as a leading societal and business mindset. As consumers are disgusted with greed and its current dire consequences for the economy—and while that same upheaval has them longing more than ever for institutions that care—the need for more generosity beautifully coincides with the ongoing (and pre-recession) emergence of an online-fueled culture of individuals who share, give, engage, create and collaborate in large numbers.

In fact, for many, sharing a passion and receiving recognition have replaced 'taking' as the new status symbol. Businesses should follow this societal/behavioral shift, however much it may oppose their decades-old devotion to me, myself and I.”

You can see the whole article

1 comment:

Cierra Grein said...

Have a book suggestion for you and perhaps a future blogpost. This book started the Generosity Generation craze as the author describes how to “evolve from the Ego Era to the Generosity Generation.” Michael Maher’s book “The Seven Levels of Communication” outlines how to leverage this trend, the Generosity Generation, in a step-by-step system that will not only increase your profits, but improve your lifestyle. I’ve been doing it for only a short time (the book just came out) and the results have been stunning. It’s a great read, actually a love story and yet packed with great ideas about doing business in the new economy. I don’t want to come across as too big of a cheerleader, but I’m not the only one singing its praises (,,, and other review sites have it at a 5) and its been endorsed by Dave Ramsey, Tom Hopkins, Bob Burg, Dr. Ivan Misner, and other heavy-hitters. I think you can still get an autographed one at, but don’t quote me on that.

Great post! Love your stuff!
