Saturday 5 April 2008

Worried about your status...? Worry no more!

Don't worry brand manager's have got that sorted, they will tell you how to communicate your status when you buy their brand. It's the latest trend according to Trendwatching/Spring Spotter, a great trend web-site I pop into from time-to-time!

This trend is called STATUS STORIES: As more brands (have to) go niche and therefore tell stories that aren't known to the masses, consumers will increasingly have to tell each other stories to achieve a status dividend from their purchases. Expect a shift from brands telling a story, to brands helping consumers tell status-yielding stories to other consumers.

Have you bought anything recently you want to tell us about? How about these juices, aren't they beautiful? Serve them up at your dinner table and see your guests desperate for the story behind them - the status story of course...

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